
Oracle Data Integrator 12c: Advanced Integration and Development Ed 2


Oracle Data Integrator 12c: Advanced Integration and Development Ed 2

Durată: 3 zile

Certificare: Oracle Data Integrator 12c Implementation Specialist

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

Data Architect, Data Integrator

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale


Prezentarea cursului

This Oracle Data Integrator course covers advanced techniques for developing data integration applications. You learn how to create an integration environment based on the architecture of Extract Load Transform (EL-T), along with advanced methods and techniques.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul

Note: This course is available without a lab.

This Oracle Data Integrator course covers advanced techniques for developing data integration applications. You learn how to create an integration environment based on the architecture of Extract Load Transform (EL-T), along with advanced methods and techniques.

This Oracle Data Integrator course covers advanced techniques for using Oracle Data Integrator 12c (ODI). You learn how to implement high-performance movement and transformation of data among various platforms.

Administering the IT infrastructure and Metadata

This course helps you learn how to use the ODI Studio for developing projects and models. Expert Oracle instructors will also explore how to monitor executions through instruction and hands-on exercises.

Advanced ODI development for High-Performance Data Integration

In addition, this course teaches you how to perform advanced ODI topology configuration. Learn how to design advanced ODI mappings, procedures, packages, and other objects for high-performance data integration among various technologies.

Perform Extract Load Transform (EL-T) in an Enterprise Environment

For enterprise SOA deployments, there is almost always a need for enterprise data extraction, transformation, and loading. By leveraging the native SOA architecture in Oracle Data Integrator, this course helps you perform EL-T from SOA applications.

You also learn how to implement the integration of ODI in an enterprise environment and in SOA. In addition, this course teaches you how to execute ODI transformation from a BPEL process.

Apply Strongly Secured Approach

Taking this course helps you learn how to enhance ODI security by applying the Strongly Secured Approach and by implementing External Authentication with LDAP.

Finally, you learn about cubes and dimensions and how to use and populate them in ODI.

Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului
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You can earn certification Oracle Data Integrator 12c Implementation Specialist after completion of following courses:

and pass the certification exams:

  • 1Z0-448 - Oracle Data Integrator 12c Essentials

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