
Oracle Spatial and Graph Essentials Ed 1


Oracle Spatial and Graph Essentials Ed 1

Durată: 5 zile

Certificare: Diploma de participare

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Prezentarea cursului

This course extensively covers the concepts and usage of the native data types, functions, and operators available in Oracle Database for spatial data. Using the Map visualization component, students learn how to render maps and view geospatial data managed by Oracle Spatial and Graph. Students are also introduced to basics of geocoding and routing concepts. The focus of this course is more on introducing the students to basic analysis of spatial data. This course does not cover Graph analysis.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul


Geocode and reverse geocode addresses with the Oracle Spatial and Graph Geocoder

Describe the various types of coordinate systems to associate with geometries

Perform bulk or incremental load of the spatial and graph data

Run spatial and graph queries in SQL to perform spatial and graph analysis

Enhance and tune spatial and graph indexes for better performance

Identify the general geometric and spatial concepts and terminologies

Describe the Oracle Spatial and Graph data and query models

Create spatial layers using the SDO_GEOMETRY native data type

Employ spatial and graph operators and functions to generate and access 2D geometries

Describe the Oracle Spatial and Graph Router and it’s architecture

Use the Oracle Spatial and Graph Map Visualization component to render maps

Describe the Linear Referencing System (LRS) feature

Describe user-defined coordinate systems

Use the Map Builder tool to apply styles and themes to rendered maps

Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului
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