
Oracle Database 19c: Advanced PL/SQL


Oracle Database 19c: Advanced PL/SQL

Durată: 3 zile

Certificare: Oracle Database Program with PL/SQL

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

Database Administrator, Database Developer, Developer

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale


Prezentarea cursului

In this course, you will learn to handle complex data. You learn about collections, which enable you to work with a logical group of homogenous data. You will also learn to manage large objects and JSON data in the database. Apart from handling complex data, you will learn how to interface database with other programming languages such as C and Java.

Further, you will be introduced to utilities such as PL/Scope and hierarchical profiler to analyze, trace, and profile PL/SQL code. These functions help you in improving the performance of the application. In addition, you will be introduced to various security mechanisms that can be used to secure applications.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul


Working with Exadata Express Cloud Service

Overview of Collections

Using Collections

Handling Large Objects

JSON Data in Database

Advanced Interface Methods

Performance and Tuning

Improving Performance with Caching

Analyzing PL/SQL Code

Profiling and Tracing PL/SQL Code

Securing Applications through PL/SQL

Safeguarding Your Code against SQL Injection Attacks

Advanced Security Mechanisms

Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului
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You can earn certification Oracle Database Program with PL/SQL after completion of following courses:

and pass the certification exams:

  • 1Z0-149 - Oracle Database Program with PL/SQL

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