
UNIX and Linux Essentials


UNIX and Linux Essentials

Durată: 3 zile

Certificare: Diploma de participare

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

System Administrator

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale


Prezentarea cursului

This course is designed for students who have not previously used UNIX or Linux and do not know the basic commands for navigating through the operating systems (OSes). To be proficient in Oracle Linux, students need to have basic knowledge of the UNIX and Linux operating system structure, such as the file system hierarchy and shell concepts. In addition, students need to know how to build and execute basic UNIX and Linux commands from the command line in order to use the operating system.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul

Log On to a System and Change Your User Login Password

Display System Information Using the Command Line

Use the Man Pages

Access Files and Directories

Use File and Directory Commands

Locate Files and Text

Use the vim Editor

Using Shell Metacharacters

Use Command Redirection

Use Variables in the bash Shell

Display Command History

Customize the User’s Work Environment

Change File Ownership

Change File Permissions

Modify Default Permissions

Control System Processes

Use Advanced Bash Shell Functionality

Use Shell Scripts

Archive and Retrieve Files

Compress and Restore Files

Establish Remote Connections and Transfer Files


Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului


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